Well, June's almost on us, which means it's about time for
the comic to launch. It's all queued up and ready to rock for this week, so here's hoping it'll actually update like I set it up to.
Also! I'm totally also doing
Artslam again this summer. Attempting to, at least. My last few efforts have been less than stellar, but that's okay. I'll probably be mirroring my posts there over here so as to have something to post here besides the weekly "oh hey comic's up" notices.
I can't help but feel there ought to be more here. Here, have a sneeky-peek.
Oh! and since I'm here, how about a peek at a quilt in progress? It's a gift for Sister, who does not like it when I talk about not giving it to her because I am liking it so much.
Okay, that ought to do it for now. I'll catch you kids tomorrow!